随着移民和社会凝聚力成为下届大选的关键战场,《先驱太阳报》(Herald Sun)披露,虽然2024年有超过18.3万人参加了入籍考试,但只有12.2万人通过了考试。
反对党此前曾指责工党忽视了向新公民传授身为澳大利亚人的意义,该党表示,新数据令人 “深感忧虑”。
本周,自由党党魁顿(Peter Dutton)誓要迫使市议会在1月26日澳洲日举办入籍仪式,此前工党做出了一项有争议的决定,允许市议会在澳洲日前后3天举办入籍仪式。
年龄在 18 岁至 59 岁之间申请成为公民的人必须参加考试,并正确回答 20 道选择题中的 15 道。模拟考试包括有关澳大利亚历史和法律、谁可以致欢迎辞、选举权、澳新军团日纪念谁以及国家首都是哪里等问题。要想通过考试,申请人必须正确回答所有五道有关 “自由、尊重和平等 “?的澳大利亚价值观问题,并且总分至少达到 75%。
不过,未能通过考试的申请人最多可在三次不同的预约中尝试通过考试。莫里森政府在 2020 年将有关澳大利亚价值观的问题纳入公民考试后,考试通过率开始下降。
反对党移民事务发言人丹-泰汉(Dan Tehan)表示,这些数字令人 “深感忧虑”。”对于我们的国家而言,建立社会凝聚力从未像现在这样重要。然而,这些数字显示越来越多的人未能通过公民资格考试,”
泰汉先生说,”工党花了 12 个月的时间进行多元文化框架审查,并提供了 1 亿澳元作为补充,但唯一的实际结果却是越来越多的人未能通过考试。”
澳大利亚难民委员会(Refugee Council of Australia)此前曾提出过这样的担忧,即该测试会惩罚英语水平低的人,如识字机会有限的难民社区中的妇女,并将通过测试的家庭与未通过测试的家庭分割开来。公民身份测试资料手册至少有 40 种语言版本。
1 过去4年在澳大利亚居住并且持有有效签证(其中4年内离境不超过1年)
2 申请前12个月持有PR(12个月离境不超过90天)
(A) 在澳洲想说什么说什么尤其是在自己的社区可以用自己的语言
(B) 在澳洲没有什么预期一定要学什么语言
(C) 英语是澳大利亚的national语言,要多学,对你找工作融入社区都有帮助
1. What do we remember on Anzac Day?
a. The landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli, Turkey.
b. The arrival of the first free settlers from Great Britain.
c. The landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove.
2. What are the colours of the Australian Aboriginal flag?
a. Black, red and yellow.
b. Green, white and black.
c. Blue, white and green.
3.Which is correct in Australian law?
a. Men and women have equal rights.
b. Men have more rights than women.
c. Women have more rights than men.
4.When did the separate colonies join together to become the Australian nation?
a. 1601.
b. 1901.
c. 2001.
5.Who can deliver a welcome to Country?
a. Anyone that lives on the land.
b. An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander custodian of the land.
c. A Master of Ceremonies at an event on the land.
6.What is Australia’s capital city?
a. Brisbane.
b. Canberra.
c. Perth.
7.Australians believe in freedom of speech. This means
a. people can say what they think about politics.
b. men have more legal rights than women.
c. everyone must follow a religion.
8.In Australia, the government
a. tells people which religion to follow.
b. is separate from any religion.
c. makes laws based on the official religion.
9.By law, Australian citizens aged 18 and over must
a. attend local council meetings.
b. vote in Australian elections.
c. join the Australian Defence Force.
10.Which of the following is true?
a. Australian citizens can get an Australian passport.
b. Permanent residents can get an Australian passport.
c. Australian citizens need a visa to enter Australia.
11.In Australian elections
a. you are free and safe to vote for any candidate.
b. you must tell the police who you voted for.
c. you must write your name on your vote.
12.The Australian Constitution is a legal document that
a. contains religious rules.
b. contains rules of government.
c. can never be changed.
13.In Australia, a referendum is a vote to change
a. the Australian Government.
b. the Australian Constitution.
c. the Prime Minister.
14.In Australia, the parliament
a. makes and changes the laws.
b. is chosen by the Prime Minister.
c. is controlled by judges.
15.The Governor-General represents
a. our head of state, the King of Australia.
b. a political party.
c. the current Prime Minister.
16.Freedom of speech
a. underpins Australia’s democratic position.
b. is not an Australian value.
c. means people do not need to obey the law.
17.Why is it important for people living in Australia to learn English?
a. Only native English speakers can become Australian citizens.
b. English is the only language spoken in Australian communities.
c. Speaking English helps people get an education and a job.
18.In Australia, the use of violence against a person is
a. acceptable if they are a different religion.
b. acceptable if they have a different opinion.
c. never acceptable and it is against the law.
19.In Australia, we believe in mutual respect and tolerance. This means you can
a. physically fight someone when you disagree with them.
b. peacefully disagree with someone.
c. only agree with people from the same religion.
20.In Australia, volunteering is important because
a. it strengthens our community.
b. it earns people lots of money.
c. we have to do it by law.
正确答案:aaabb babba abbaa accba
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